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PPR Shower Mixer Introduction


A Mixer Pancuran PPR nuduhake jinis perlengkapan padusan sing dirancang kanggo ngontrol aliran lan suhu banyu ing padusan. PPR stands for "Polypropylene Random Copolymer," yaiku jinis plastik sing umum digunakake ing sistem pipa. Dikenal kanthi daya tahan, tahan korosi, lan kemampuan kanggo nangani banyu panas lan adhem.

The PPR Shower Mixer typically consists of a mixing valve that allows you to adjust the ratio of hot and cold water, providing you with the desired water temperature. These mixers often come with a single lever or knob that you can turn or rotate to achieve the desired water temperature. Some models may also have additional features like water pressure control or a diverter to switch between different shower functions (e.g., overhead showerhead and handheld shower).

PPR umume digunakake ing sistem pipa amarga kinerja sing apik lan instalasi sing relatif gampang. Materi kasebut entheng lan nduweni kekuatan impact dhuwur, saengga cocok kanggo macem-macem aplikasi, kalebu perlengkapan pancuran.

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